Top 100 Views in Australia includes one from our b…
Just out in the April 2012 issue of Australian Traveller magazine is their annual top 100 issue featuring the Best 100 views in Australia. Hot Air were delighted that the area…
Hot Air headline feature in new day tour video by…
Gold Coast based webagent ExperienceOz and the team have chosen some stunning footage of their favourite balloon ride in Asutralia from Hot Air Gold Coast :) to feature as the…
Gold Coast Hinterland balloon views feature in Top…
Its Official ! Hot Air Balloons provide some of the best views of anywhere in Australia. Hot Air were delighted to pickup the April 2012 copy of Australian Traveller magazine…
Atherton Tablelands looking their best
Our chosen location for ballooning from Cairns and Port Douglas is the beautiful Atherton Tablelands just 40km inland from the Coast but sometimes it can be like travelling to a…
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