A Million Questions
There are a million questions that could be asked about hot air ballooning. However, there are a few standard questions that are asked on a regular basis almost every day. Some of…
Eclipse from Port Douglas
One of the best ways to view the total solar eclipse in North Queensland will be from the serentity of a hot air balloon. The timing of this unique event will be at 06.38am in…
Top 100 Views in Australia includes one from our b…
Just out in the April 2012 issue of Australian Traveller magazine is their annual top 100 issue featuring the Best 100 views in Australia. Hot Air were delighted that the area…
2013年12月10日—15日,在布里斯班推广局中国区业务拓展经理黄雁小姐的带领下,李回立先生,陈斌先生和段晓 英先生一行三人参加了由布里斯班推广局和优酷网组织的悠游布里斯班活动,这次激动人心的历时五天的精彩异国 之旅时间里,带给了他们一段非常难忘的回忆,这里既有眼花缭乱的繁华都市,也有碧海蓝天,葱茏绿树,还可以…
2017 特别的情人节
每年的情人节是不是总是不知道怎样和心爱她/他一起庆祝。有的时候是因为工作,忙碌的生活,结果经常是下班后一起约着去喝一杯。 虽然每天并不能长时间的在一起,不过不要忘了一份浪漫特别的礼物永远是他/她想要的,Hot Air热气球情人节礼券将(包含葡萄酒庄园香槟早餐)是一个很好的选择。 情人节礼券有长达一年的有效期,您可以随时预定适合两个人的飞行日期。…
如果你一直想体验神奇的热气球飞行 ..
Hot Air 是您最佳选择!