Up Close and Personal with the Wildlife
The beauty of ballooning is that for large periods of time you are floating silently. Sometimes you may be thousands of feet high with flocks of birds flying underneath, and other…
Atherton Tablelands looking their best
Our chosen location for ballooning from Cairns and Port Douglas is the beautiful Atherton Tablelands just 40km inland from the Coast but sometimes it can be like travelling to a…
The Eclipse is coming to Cairns!
The globe gets 2 Total Eclipses in 2012 ! But some are harder to get to than others, and Cairns on November 14th 2012 is looking like a pearler. Its been estimated that…
Seven Balloons floating - Just once for the London…
One year ago today, music drifted across London’s skies from seven hot-air balloons on a Monday July 25th morning to give London residents a melodic wake-up call and celebrate a…
Chinese New Year 2013 with Hot Air Balloon Cairns
CHINESE NEW YEAR 2013 IN CAIRNS 在凯恩斯的新年 凯恩斯已经准备好来欢迎乘坐中国东方航空,中国南方航空,国泰航空公司和 Jetstar 到来的游客。许多中国游客有在凯恩斯最喜爱做三件事,第一是去绿岛和大堡礁。在哪儿能够乘坐玻璃船,潜航或乘坐潜艇去欣赏美丽的珊瑚和五颜六色的鱼。这里有好多能做的事!大猫号绿岛礁游轮公司,…
2013年12月10日—15日,在布里斯班推广局中国区业务拓展经理黄雁小姐的带领下,李回立先生,陈斌先生和段晓 英先生一行三人参加了由布里斯班推广局和优酷网组织的悠游布里斯班活动,这次激动人心的历时五天的精彩异国 之旅时间里,带给了他们一段非常难忘的回忆,这里既有眼花缭乱的繁华都市,也有碧海蓝天,葱茏绿树,还可以…
从台湾来大堡礁凯恩斯旅游的Brenda 小姐 – 讲述她体验在凯恩斯乘坐热气球飞行的奇妙经历
Brenda 小姐分享她在大堡礁凯恩斯飞行热气球的魅力感受。请点击浏览她写的博客,您就可以看到很多她亲自拍摄精彩的图片了